Thursday, April 28, 2016

2 myths, 2 legend & Folktales

   The Legend story of Sarangani Lake

Once upon the time, there was an old couple called Grandpa Pasir andGrandma Pasir living in the forest of Mount Lawu.
One day, he was surprised with an existence of an egg under a big forest tree, without consideration, Grandpa Pasir immediately took the mysterious egg home, and gave it to his wife.
Later on, they agreed to braise the egg and share it for two. Grandpa got back to the field to continue his job. But he felt his body is getting warmer and painful. By so much pain, he fell down on the ground. He had been cursed !!! . His body changed into a big giant snake.
In other side, grandma also transformed into a giant snake and they had makes a flutter and soil around and the water spouting and filled around the holes of pasir’s flutter and become a lake.
The lake named Lake pasir, nowadays they known as Lake Sarangani.

         The Legend of Rice (Ang Alamat ng Palay)

One day, it happened that the Chinese goddess Kuan-yin went down to visit the Earth. In her excursion, she saw that everywhere in the four corners of China are people dying of hunger. Her soft heart cannot endure the pain and poverty that she sees and it seems as though her heart will melt with pity. She took a deep breath and said, “Aiya, Ai-ya, I need to act and help these people.”

She silently observed her surroundings. She took interest in a worthless rice plant which sprouted in the alley. She approached it and said, “I will use this humble plant to help my poor people.”


One of these mythical monsters is a Centaur like creature, a demon horse named tikbalang. A tall, bony humanoid creature with very long limbs, lurking in the mountains and forests, known for scaring travelers and causing them to lose their way in the fast wilderness of the area. It usually appears on the night of full moon looking for a female prey that will bear its offspring. A traveller who is lost and imagines that a Tikbalang is leading him astray may deceive the being by wearing his clothes inside out. Another trick is to avoid making too much noise, so the Tikbalang will not be disturbed or offended or one can just simply ask permission to pass by.

 Adiwata or lambana can bring fortune to those who look after its domain and will harm those who destroy it. After praying, the mostly female, students collapsed instantly. The principal of the school announced that the students went berserk; exclaiming hardly understandable words and about a dozen pupils were acting unnatural. Priests, teachers, pastors and parents prayed together for the recovery of the scholars. It is speculated that the students became haunted by vicious phantom
that were seemingly angered after cutting of bamboo and tamarind trees inside the school compound.
 The aswang is the most feared unearthly creature in the Philippines, she has white cloudy eyes and white or black hair, her skin is colored like milk, dressed in a white gown she appears to passing mortals alongside a road or in their cars. She suddenly disappears when the one experiencing this ghost ask somebody else to take a look at her. The White Lady is a female phantom that appears in many rural areas in Mindanao.


                  THE DOG AND THE CROW

There was a crow who saw meat drying in the sun. He picked it up and flew far away.
On the edge of a tree branch, he started eating the meat.
But then he heard the loud voice of a dog saying: “Of all the birds, the crow is the greatest. Incomparable!”
The crow was gladdened and opened his mouth to guffaw.
What happened was the meat fell from his mouth. It fell to the ground where the dog quickly went for it.
Now we know that praise can also be a form of trickery.

                         Abadeha, Filipina Cinderella

Abadeha is a kind and hardworking young woman.  Her wicked stepmother and stepsisters abuse her and ask her to carry out impossible tasks. Abadeha asks for the help of Bathala (the creator God), her ancestors and her dead mother. At the river, her cries for help are heard by the Spirit of the Forest (counterpart of the fairy godmother). With her guidance, Abadeha is able to accomplish all that her step-family demands of her.
One day, a prince out hunting in the forest comes upon the enchanted tree by the grave of Abadeha’s mother. He sees a ring among the branches and puts it on. By the time he returns to the palace, his finger has become swollen and painful. The king calls for the Babaylan, the priest-healer of the land, but even he cannot take the ring off.
That night, the Prince learns in a dream that only a girl can remove the ring from his finger. Upon hearing this, the king announces to his people that any girl who can take the ring off his son’s finger will be offered marriage to the prince.
Of all the maidens who tried, only Abadeha was successful. And that’s how she became a princess!

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