Thursday, May 12, 2016

Story of my life (05.10.2016)

                       Story of my Life

For the time of my existence, I knew that I was drowning and I wasn’t thinking about survival. It was Saturday and we went to the river with Jerome in Balugo, Valencia Negros Oriental at 8:00 am to fish. When he was getting some fish into the river, I was amazed from that the boy caught. I accidentally step on a root and put my feet down on something solid but the water’s deeper than I think. I always say HELP but no one heard me. In a few seconds, there was one boy who notices me. The boy helps me and grabs me into the stones that are shallow. I was crying because my new Islander slipper was lost.

After 3 days, my friends invited me to swim into the river because it so deep. I refused and said I WILL NOT SWIM INTO THE RIVER because I got nearly drowns. But they forced me because they want me to watch them. So, I’ve joined them to go to river but I will not going to swim. When we are in the river. They push me and said “YOU SHOULD SWIM”. I already got wet that’s why I swam. I’ve only swam in the shallows because I was afraid to go into the deep side. I was wondering why the water I turning color brown. I didn’t mind about the color of the water. In a few minutes, I notice that my friends quickly swam into the deep side of the river so that they can go up into the soil, they shouted me that I should go up into the soil directly because the flood was going to be strong. So, I directly swam into the deep side but the water pull me down and I got drown. There is one guy who noticed me so he dives directly and saved me from the water. It was 2nd time that was happened in my life. Because I didn’t know how to swim yet.

When we are in there house. I’ve always think about what happened lately. If that guy don’t save me maybe I’ve got drown into the water again and maybe I’m dead right now. I forced myself to sleep but I can’t sleep because I always think about happened to me. I was afraid to tell my mother on what happened to me because she could scold me and never let me swim again. Because of this, I’ve practice a lot so the next time I couldn’t drown again. Now, I never got drown directly because I had learned to swim.

Even though I learned how to swim but I’m going to swam into the river, pool, or either sea I usually think maybe the water could pull me down. I was afraid to swim into the deep side of the river because of what happened to me when I was a child. Maybe it was a lesson for me that I should not forced myself to swim into deep side of the water if I can’t swim well.

Right now I’m already 18 yrs. Old and I know how to swim and never got drown again. In my course that I taken has a subject of swimming so I have to do my best in swimming and be brave to swam into the deep side. Bravery is the best weapon in my life because if I don’t have to be brave in doing the things maybe I don’t even solved some difficult problems that I encounter.


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