Monday, May 16, 2016


How do you know that you loved?

When I'm in love I fell the chillness of my body. I can fell my heart that  beats so fast when I see the person who's the one I'm crushing for. I fell shy around that someone. I have time for  her whenever I she need me, I show my efforts and I got mad whenever she didn't take care of herself. I talk to her constantly about my personal background.  I get her number  and save it on my phone.  I text her a lot of time and I can't stop thinking about her. I care for her about she cares for me. I'm working harder to get along with her friends and family. People Keep Asking What's Up with us. I compromising with her. I’m Committing Random acts Of Kindness For Her.  It's time to confess my feelings for her. How I love her most, Why I love her. But sometimes the girl I love doesn't love me the way I love her, it so painful to think about what happen.

Can love be measured?

No, love can't be measured because love doesn't no limit by your feelings in that person, you can't be able to understand what is happen or something tells whats going by it maybe its the bright side of it or even the heart beat on it. Love can't be measured because there is no machine or instrument that can measure love. Love is not just an emotion. It’s not simply some uncontrollable feeling you fall in and out of. It doesn’t have to be here today and gone tomorrow. Nor does it ever have to leave you, in any relational context, if you don’t want it to. Love is a merger in what comes through your heart but not from you. The you and your dreams are the door to separation. There is no self in love. Love is the real sense cannot be measured but some people will say love can expressed by how committed a person is and how deep the love is. Love exposes your nakedness without shame yet prunes your branches for growth that you may become love. Love is sufficient unto love. I believe love's supply is infinite and love can't be measured because if love can be measured we people who felt love to the someone we fall into we fell hurt and suffer but it is rarely also aq yes for it, it depends on your satisfaction.

Why should we walk according to P.S Casterence ?

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